Albion 2-1 Macroom B

Albion picked up all 3 points in a tight encounter at Eli Lilly today, though looked in trouble 2 minutes in when Deccy Murray was unfortunate to put the ball in his own net. Macroom forced the midfield backwards for the opening 20 but didnt cause much trouble for the back 4. Tim Harrington came close with some long range efforts which whizzed past the bar & the post respectively. Albion started passing the ball around well with John Hipwell in control all the time. Half Time 0-1 The second half was lively but Albion were forced to replace Padraig Harrington in goal after 5 minutes after a clash left him with a few injuries. Macroom seemed reliant on their big striker from all throw ins and set pieces though Dec Murray & Colm O’Donovan were quick to clean anything up. Albion got a free 25 yards outwith 15 left on the clock, Tim Harrington stepped up, curled the ball over the ball and swerved it home to make it 1-1. Albion conceded free after free to put pressure on themselves for the remaining 10 but JP Hayes came on to a free ball just inside the box and fired home to make it 2-1 to Albion who pick up a much needed 3 points at home against a resiliant Macroom side. Team. P Harrington(M Ryan ’50), J MacNamara, J O’Driscoll, D Murray, C O’Donovan, R O’Donovan(N Twomey ’60), JP Hayes, J Hipwell, B Dillon, T Harrington, M El-sahen(D Daly ’80) Subs: C Walsh.






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